
Thursday, July 22, 2010


I've been abandoning this space for ages. Anyway, since I'm pretty bored @ 305am I thought i might just turn to blogger and pen down a few thoughts.


1. As you can up there, a new crib for my hammies ! I've always wanted a cage with pipes. That night, my parents and I camped by the cage and waited so patiently just to see it go through the pipes.

2. School is commencing in just 9 days. I'm pretty excited, nervous and somehow, cold feet. I've a propensity to fear when it comes to meeting new fellow humans. I get pretty silent and I take extremely long to feel comfortable. Certainly not outspoken, loud or hyped up at first sight or even second sight. I hope to get pass this stage chop chop. Other than that, everything's feeling positive !

3. Yay, I finished my Final Test Theory this morning ! 50/50 within 7 minutes and 1st to leave ! I know it's def not a big deal compared to the practical test hehe but congrats to me. I can finally book my final test date ! Still waiting for Denise to drive me out for a spin + supper at some faraway place hehe

4. My Aunt recently came back from Canada after so many years of deserting us in Singapore to sell off her unused property. She got me a effing 1.1kg of granola bars. It came in a huge box with 36 sticks. I had my eyes popped when I saw her pulling it out from her suitcase. My brother was so happy he bagged 10 to his workplace. We had dinner together and I miss her. But she's returning to Vancouver soon and staying there for good until zzzzzz (I don't know when) zzzzzz

5. I bought some sort of fried cheese sausages from the basement of Takashimaya today and it made me had diarrhea within minutes of me gobbling up. It was my first meal of the day ! I'M NEVER EVER GOING TO WASTE MONEY ON YOU AGAIN ! :/

6. Stationery trip here I come tomorrow. More pens and highlighters hehe.

Hehe hope you guys have an awesome weekend. Tried the Macspicy nuggets yet? Nom nom, love it. Till then!

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